The people behind

Xavi Pano
Strategy People Business Partner, Commercial Organization
Treasury workstream
Volunteering is part of our DNA and I really enjoy all the positive aspects of volunteering at HP: networking, learning, helping, having fun…
“If you believe in it then fight for it”

Virginia Becerra
HP Large Format Strategic Partner Alliances Manager
Forever Young
I’ve participated in the Charity Journey in different ways over the years, for me and my family it is a must-attend annual appointment! I have always received more than I have been able to contribute.
Resilience, Empowerment, Sense of Humour and Empaty. Never give up!

Vic Duran
MPS Program Manager
NGOs Coordination
I want to put my grain of sand to make a difference in the local community that I love and live.

Susana Tabares
Customer Support Global Program Manager
Forever Young
Be a richer person by contributing
Multitasking power

Roberto Sarasa
HP R&D SW HUB Valencia Site Manager
Projects evaluation team
Love to support my community and be part of this HP team is a unique opportunity that we have I couldn’t miss it.
Not good saying No… always willing to support and collaborate

Roberta Santarosa
Executive Assistant to Daniel Martinez – General Manager
The willing to help other, to facilitate workday and make people who are socially not visibile to be visible and happier.
Empaty, see the positive aspects from the situations and a large smile

Marta Carpena
LF & 3D DPA Assistant
Part of the sport team.
I found the best combination! As I am a very sportive person, why don’t adding my two cents on this charity journey related with my passion?
I am a very emphatic person, always trying to help and with a lot of energy!

Marisa Arola
KM Content & Vendor Mgmt.
Forever Young Workflow contributor
I have been a volunteer for 10 years, for me it is a pleasure to be part of the charity team. I want to help raise funds for the charity projects that are chosen and to make them a reality.
The desire to help others

Magally Gonzalez
WW LF Construction services executive Assistant
Logistics core team – GaS support
It’s amazing to find so many great people, with great human touch, willing to join effots for a same charitable purpose. So excited to make my small contribution one more year to build this amazing experience.
Passionate to give a hand in anything that contributes to work for a better world.

Joan Carbó
WW GEC Business & Process engineer
GEC & Training center tours lead
Help people is in my DNA so Charity is the project that allows me to help the others.
Automation, Processes, DIY & Music

Jaume Campanera
Industrial Sales Ops BI Data Scientist
HP Charity Veteran and friend
Proud to be part of this incredible magic endeavour since the first edition!
Traveler with untiring perpetual learner spirit

Irene Gaya
Business Support to IPS EMEA PWI
Sports & GAS Workstream
I enjpu connecting with other peop,e and working together in building special moments for all.
Planification is my second name

Eva Navarro Segment Manager for CE & SE
NGOs Coordination workstream member
I came tho this world with 2 goals: enjoy life as much as possible and leave a world a little better than I found it.
Problem solver & optimist by nature

Chiara Crivelli
P3D Internal Communications Lead
Communications workstream Lead
The charity journey is creating connections that didn’t exist before. Connections with HP collegues, with local NGOs and even connections of ideas! That’s why I am here!
Zero waste, reciclying, Do it Yourself

Catalina Mariani
Indigo Pre-Sales Technical Consultant
GEC tours for children and GEC tours giveaways & decorations
I’ve been participating in the Charity Day since I joined HP two years ago, why would this year be any different?
Desing – Master of Grammar

Àngels Jofré
Graphics Academy Strategic Planning & Operations lead
Graphic Arts tours
Sharing volunteer activities with your colleagues you discover new ways of problem solving that later can be applied in your day to day work. And, volunteer activites are and endorphin boost!
Cook the best “fricandó” you have ever tasted

Alexandra de Alaminos
Executive Assistant
4ever yen and NGO´s
The Charity Event is one of the most memorable events in HP, helps a lot of people
I like to help

Alba Oliveres
HP Indigo EMEA Supplies Product Manager
NGO’s core team & Forever Young workstream chair
To volunteer for charity project is my passion. I really love to help others to get their objectives and if it is for charity, it fills my heart.
Enthusiastic and proactive. I love to integrate everyone and do networking

Pascal Endres
Large Format EMEA Competence Center
Innovation Playground group
The charity journey is such a great way to able to have fun with colleagues and do something good for our community we live in.
I speak more than handful of Languages and fix everything

Anna Ibañez
PIBS in the Delivery Enablement and Strategic Programs as a Junior Project Manager
NGO’s coordination workstream member

Elisabet Amorós
EMEA&Africa Opportunity Consultant
Photography group lead

Núria Brasó
GEC Program Manager
Demo Center Tours Logistics & Coordination

Leonor Rodrigues
FP&A Analyst for GSB Industrial
Volunteers’ Coordination team

Carlos Lahoz
Product and incubation manager in Publishing solutions business
Demo tours team, but I’m also up for helping on GaS race and other

Mihaly Virag
WW customer journey manager – GSB

Sergio Ruiz
Sales, responsible for MPS supplies for Iberia

Clara Deop
Executive Assistant in LF
Volunteer's coordination

Núria Fabregat
3DP R&D ME Engineer (post processing)
Sports & Gas (Race permission)

Juanan Blanco
Iberia End User Sales Business Analyst
Padel Charity Tournament Coordinator

Laura Andronache
Global business development PS deals
team which evaluates the NGOs

Alexandra Puig
Business Analyst and Planner in LF Services Delivery EMEA
STEM activities for children

Carlota Forcada
Insights Manager – Subscription Services
Padel Coordinator (together with Juan Antonio Blanco)

Gloria Foraste
LF GTM EMEA Sales Executive Assistant
Member of NGO Coordination Workstream

Jana Milla
Executive Assistant – GTM EMEA INDIGO & PWP
Co-lead Sports & GaS workstream

Jordi Falces
HP PageWide Web Press Customer Assurance Master Engineer
Member of the Projects and Innovation Playground workstreams

Jordi Sender
R&D project Manager
Coordinator of Basketall_3x3 and Futbolin

Edgar Barcelona
Country Operations Manager – Spain
Innovation Playground member

Xavier Martinez
LF Category Manager
Helping on the gas race

Uriel Angelat
Sales Ops Team lead in EMEA for the PWI corrugated business.
STEM for kids workstream volunteerÂ

Matti Matinlauri
Market Compliance Lead (Northwest Europe)
Supporting the Sports and GAS workstream

Laia Humedas
Manager Assistant
Logistics team, supporting Sports and Titan race.

Xavier Llobera
3D Printing Automotive WW Manager
Leading the NGOs Coordination team

Natalia Ostariz
3D Services Total Customer Experience Program Manager
Project Selection Committee member; Demo & Training Tours member; Giveaway* for Volunteers lead

Laia Fernandez
WW Industrial and Large Format Communications
Communication workstream

Catarina Pinto Queiroz
Media Planning Associate NWE
Communications workstream

Anna Torrent
3D Customer Assurance Manager
Projects Workstream
I like to help others, and becoming a volunteer in the charty week is an opportunity for that.

Marta Blanquer
Large Format Communications Lead
Volunteers Coordination workstream

Austin Martinez
Site print Quality assuarance lead
Gaming and simulation coordinator Innovation Playground workstream

Raquel Meseguer
EMEA Media Planning
Communications workstream

Xènia Molina
LF Internal Communications
Communications workstream

Josep Sangra
EMEA Gaming Category – 4P Planner
InnovationPlayground workstream

Carle Alvarez
LF Category Operations Manager
Project Selection Committee member

Miriam Nogues
Customer Welcome Centers Digital platforms lead, Corporate Affairs
Project Selection workstream lead

Sara Camacho
3D Metals Writing Systems Engineer
Forever Young co-Lead

Emma Tornel
Executive Assistant
Logistics workstream

Maria Carra
Public Affairs & Communications, Barcelona Site
Project Manager

Sonia Gallardo
Logistics workstream

Maria Pero
LF GBU Intro Manager

Sonia Melo

Pol Bernal
Instant Ink Product Manager
Innovation Playground – Gaming Area

Natalia Ropel
WS Finance EA

David Gomez
Business Planning Analyst at IPCS
NGO Coordination