
Sometimes fulfilling a child’s wish is their best medicine

The project presented proposes to improve the quality of life of 40 boys and girls with serious illnesses and by extension of their families, who are being treated in the main public and private hospitals with pediatric units in Spain, (approximately 35 hospitals, public and private) through the fulfillment of a wish, his most dreamed illusion. This project will be managed through the Psychologists and / or Social Workers of the Foundation in the Community of Madrid, Catalonia, Aragon, Andalusia, the Basque Country, the Valencian Community, Asturias, Murcia, and Galicia who care for children who are treated in the main referral hospitals in these communities. The Small Wish Foundation has collaboration agreements with these hospitals. In them, a person was appointed who serves as a liaison and is the one who refers the children to the Desire Makers, with the prior consent of the parents. We work individually with each child and prioritize the smallest children to establish order and reach everyone. In fact, the medical team has the last word when deciding the desirability of the wish. After the fulfillment of the wish, an anonymous survey is sent to the families to assess the fulfillment of the wish. Satisfaction is maximum (rating 9.8 / 10) in the fulfillment of the desire and the generation of positive emotions and illusion in the fight against the disease. The Foundation will not work in any case without the consent of both the medical team responsible for the child and their parents or guardians. Fulfilling these criteria, all boys and girls are cared for.